The beginning and end of the growing season in the country garden are such busy times. Up until last week I was still attending the farmers markets with cut flowers, but a couple of frosts combined with the wind and rain of the last couple of days have really put an end to the outdoor annuals. I did manage a last harvest for drying so hope to make some lovely dried flower wreaths.The main 'busyness' though is starting to prepare for next season. I have decide to use some of my goat/hen paddock for growing bulbs and shrubs so we have been clearing it and a huge roll of mypex has arrived so I need to up the pace and get it all planted up before the weather gets any worse. I have added a picture as it is now. Lets hope it looks a bit different shortly!!
In looking back I try to assess the best and worst flowers of the season so that I can decide what to grow next year, but is is also good to try something new and I have high hopes for these lovely anemones. I hope that they will be wonderful from April onwards and imagine them in beautiful posies or with scented narcissus.